Our little Micah man is 6 months old! We can't believe it! It seems like we were just bringing him home from the hospital and setting up all these extra doctors appointments for him. He looks like a totally different baby from when we first met him. He's added a couple extra chins, his personality has blossomed, and he is hitting all of his developmental milestones on time!

Tuesday, June 29, our family traveled to mid-Illinois for Micah's adoption finalization court hearing! He is officially a part of our family! Micah slept through the entire thing and only woke up to take a picture. Evelyn liked the part at the end where we all clapped.

Life at home as been busy for the summer! We took some family trips, but have mostly been watching and helping these little personalities grow and blossom. Evelyn still takes on the role of big sister very well. She likes reading to Micah, entertaining him when he's playing on the floor, and giving him lots of kisses and hugs.

Micah has started trying to sit up on his own. He can do very well for little bits of time but then he tips over. Evelyn is always ready to tell us "Baby fall down" when that happens. Micah's newest interest is food! He is still getting the hang of eating from a spoon, but he's been enjoying bananas, avocados, and blueberries so far! Micah also thinks anything in a cup is for him.

We are not sure what the future holds for us in regards to what our family will look like. We have talked about enjoying where we are as a family right now and waiting to see what direction God is going to lead us. We know that we would like to possibly get involved in foster care at a later date. Whatever our next adventure is, we'll be sure to keep you updated.

As of right now, all of the hospital bills from Micah's extended stay in the NICU when he was born are still being processed through insurance. We are continually calling to check on the billing process and are hoping that is completed soon. We're not sure what it will end up looking like when that is all complete, but we would like to be prepared which is why we are going to continue to sell homemade items such as quilts, blankets, wood burned boards, and other crafty things.

We are so thankful for everyone's help, encouragement, love, and support. We can't wait to tell the kids of all the different ways so many of you have shown our family grace and love. From the bottom of our humbled hearts, thank you.
If you're in the Chicago area and are looking to have some family pictures taken, please consider using Fourth Photography. Bill Wilson is a long time friend (since 1st grade!) and his family is in the adoption process! He is a fantastic photographer with a great heart for family.