We haven't updated in a while because there hasn't been much to say! As of February, we became an officially waiting family. For us, right now, waiting looks like nothing has changed. Alex is still working at the church. Jackie got a new teaching job in town. Mostly, waiting looks like construction. Back in November we bought a house and have been busy renovating. When we get a phone call that there is a little one ready for us, not only will our hearts be ready, but also our home! (hover over the picture for the captions!)

It's a ranch house with a large yard and is at the end of a dead end street. It's next to a large wooded area, and we often see deer! The house was built in the late 60's and hasn't been updated since. We have been hard at work doing some much needed major renovations. Nearly every room in the house has either paneling or the drywall was put on incorrectly.

We live, eat, and breathe drywall dust. But it feels so much cleaner than what was before!

There is never nothing to do. Recently family came to visit and we particularly enjoyed taking apart this carpeted utility room and bathroom. How was this ever in style!?!

We have so much work ahead of us, but we never would have gotten as far as we have without so many of you volunteering your time, energy, talents, and love to help us get a home ready for a little one. We are often overwhelmed by how many people have offered to paint, tear out carpet, help install drywall, etc.
Just because there is a lot of work to do doesn't mean we still don't stop to have fun and invest in each other's lives!

We hope you stay tuned. Many people wonder what waiting on the adoption side looks like. We'd like to fill you in on how waiting couples like us are matched with a birthmom!